Products and Platforms
The knowledge industry in India
is moving towards products and platforms as the services model is losing steam.
For long, the IT industry in India has been providing services to the products,
platforms, or core software developed by global majors. With automation, all
this is becoming a shrinking pie.
The value zone has shifted now. With
democratization and mass customization, multi-sided platforms are growing
exponentially. The scale at which they can operate is bringing the per-user
cost at price points that are shifting the market. The new economy is majorly
about IP (integration platforms), platforms, and products.
At this point, we need to embrace
the market dynamics, and the entire ecosystem has to upgrade itself. We must move
from a pure service provider mindset to a sustainably mature product mind-set.
The investors have to move away from quarterly returns to long term bets at the
same time. The workforce has to move into an innovation momentum and continuous
improvement, research, learning loops, and data sets.
The experience is taking centre
stage as we move in that direction and so does the agility of the platform as
well as the innovative design and fundamentals. Platforms need large teams to
support and sustain, and any rejection from the users and the ecosystem
plummets all the efforts and returns.
We are indeed at an exciting
inflection point as we intrinsically change the core of our knowledge industry
and embrace the external change of Industrial 4.0. Therefore, we need to be
ready for a different ball game and a different level of performance
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