AI for All

The impact of AI will be fully utilized by creating an ecosystem of all stakeholders. An ecosystem where all those who are impacted by it and all those who create the impact in the first place are on a common platform. An ecosystem where the learning and feedback loops are constantly working to improvise the efficiencies, participation, and impact. The interdependencies of these stakeholders jointly progressing towards a singular goal of benefits of AI for All.

Working on the above vision, Vitti has been creating an ecosystem of academia, industry, professionals, practitioners, trade bodies, research labs, Chambers of Commerce, and Government participation. 

Today Vitti signed an MoU with MIICCIA – Millennial India International Chamber of Commerce MIICCIA, with a vision and mission to ‘connect globally’ is now a partner to contribute to the impact of AI for All. With its network of international operations, it is going to expand the scaled and depth of stakeholders who will contribute to this objective.

Ethical AI, an area discussed with great passion and intellectual depth by the intelligentsia has been punctuating the direction AI takes in terms of technology, business advantage, and socio-economic impact. We as citizens of the increasingly unifying world are awakening to the shared destiny when dealing with a technology that is likely to create a tectonic shift in .the way we live, the way we interact, more importantly, the way we think!

One of the effective ways to ingrain ethics and AI for ALL is to be inclusive, to partner, to have cooperative and coopetition models in the ecosystem, to have all stakeholders on the same page of information and opportunity. To have all contribute and decide on the future that is shared. May we add, AI for All for Future for All?

Author - Ajay Davessar
